A Singer With a Hoarse Voice Needs Total Voice Rest
Singers need to be sure to get extra rest each day and plenty of water during this flu and virus season. I am seeing a lot of Artists with laryngitis this month. Be sure…
Taking Care of Your Voice Treating Hoarseness
Winter is upon us and sickness is too. I have had an artist with long-lasting hoarseness due to these viruses. You must go on immediate total voice rest and get into a doctor so…
Kim Wood Sandusky Q&A During Getty Music Worship Conference – Sing! 18
Today was awesome speaking at the Keith & Kristyn Getty Music Worship Conference – Sing! 18 at the Music City Center in Nashville! I was asked some very insightful questions about the voice that…
Congratulations to Keith & Kristyn Getty on Their New Book!
“Every human can sing. We are all singers. Some of us have talents that allow us to sing with beautiful tones and good pitch, while others have talents to sing with their soul. What a…
Music Artist Development: How to Improve Singing Voice Quality
Recently I have worked with many new Artist Development, and a common question from each is: How do I fix the feeling of my voice flipping out of control as I move higher in my…
Singers vs Stardom
There are so many great singers in the world and I am questioned multiple times about why so few singers actually become huge stars. It is so true that there are many gifted singers in…
Vocal Rest Tips for Singers: When to Rest Your Voice
There are many times that singers should rest their voice for 24-48 hours. This means absolutely no talking. I have worked with singers who sang for 4-5 hours several nights in a row and the…
Good Breathing Techniques for Singers
Breathing for singing is a simple process, which makes it hard to achieve for some singers. We breathe every second of our lives. I have been asked over and over again by singers, “Why do…