Vocal & Music Production Nashville TN
Make the most of your studio time.

Create in your recording session with professional Vocal Production from one of the industry’s most respected Vocal Producers. Kim Wood Sandusky has worked with artist all over the world to produce vocals for various projects.
Kim Wood Sandusky frequently works with artists in Los Angeles, Atlanta, New York City, Nashville and other locations around the world.
In the twists and turns of the recording industry, it is invaluable to call upon the expertise and savvy of Kim Wood Sandusky in the recording process. She has produced vocals for many signed and unsigned singers.
While the primary goal of Kim in the recording process is to attain the best performance of the artist, she is also helping to create the unique character and style to new levels for the artist, thus keeping their career competitive and protecting the health of the rigorous usage of the voice during recording. For these reasons, her vocal production is of great value to the music industry and to the singer.
Kim works with you as you record your vocals to perfection. She’ll stay involved in the process until the vocal edit is complete, so you have a finished vocal that’s ready to be mixed and mastered at the end of your session.

Meet Kim Wood Sandusky, the music industry’s premier vocal coach.
Kim Wood Sandusky is widely known as one of the most influential performance coaches in the global music industry, serving as vocal coach, confidante, and advocate to entertainment’s biggest names and brightest undiscovered talent. With an unwavering positive approach and gift for building distinctive vocal brands, Kim helps singers around the world hone their craft, build their skills, and make their voices heard (and noticed).